Results for 'Robert E. Gregg'

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  1.  13
    Reception versus selection procedures in concept learning.Frank S. Murray & Robert E. Gregg - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):571.
  2.  42
    Robert E. Kohler, Landscapes and Labscapes: Exploring the Lab-Field Border in Biology. [REVIEW]Gregg Mitman - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):599-629.
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    A Defense of Moderate Haecceitism.Gregg A. Ten Elshof - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 60 (1):55-74.
    The identity of indiscernibles is false. Robert Adams and others have argued that if the identity of indiscernibles is false, then primitive thisness must be admitted as a fundamental feature of the world (i.e. haecceitism is true). Moreover, it has been suggested that if haecceitism is true, then essentialism is false - that accounting for individuation by means of haecceities precludes a thing's having essential qualitative properties. I will argue that this suggestion is misguided. In so doing, I will (...)
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    Michael M. Sage, Cyprian; Ronald E. Hine, Perfeetion in the virtuous Life. A Study in the Relationship betvveen Edification and Polemical Theology in Gregory of Nyssa's De vita Moysis; Robert C. Gregg, Consolation Philosophy. Greek and Christian Paideia in Basil and the Two Gregories. [REVIEW]Angelo Di Berardino - 1977 - Augustinianum 17 (3):575-576.
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    The Philosophy of Right and Left: Incongruent Counterparts and the Nature of Space.James Van~Cleve & Robert E. Frederick (eds.) - 1991 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    INTRODUCTION TO THE ARGUMENT OF 1768 Some ordinary facts about the world we live in can be readily explained by other ordinary facts. One can, for example, explain the fact that when we are facing north the sun rises on the right and ...
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    Public Accountability.Thomas Schillemans, Robert E. Goodin & Mark Bovens - 2014 - In Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin & Thomas Schillemans, The Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Oxford University Press.
    The rising prominence of “accountability” in public discourse has given rise in turn to a burgeoning of attention given to “accountability” in recent academic scholarship. It has been an object of scholarly debate and analysis in, for example, political science, public administration, international relations, social psychology, constitutional law, and business administration. However, in each of the sub disciplines, scholars analyze concepts of accountability and practices of account-giving unaware of, and still less building on, each other’s achievements. This introductory chapter to (...)
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  7. Toward ethical norms and institutions for climate engineering research.David R. Morrow, Robert E. Kopp & Michael Oppenheimer - 2009 - Environmental Research Letters 4.
    Climate engineering (CE), the intentional modification of the climate in order to reduce the effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, is sometimes touted as a potential response to climate change. Increasing interest in the topic has led to proposals for empirical tests of hypothesized CE techniques, which raise serious ethical concerns. We propose three ethical guidelines for CE researchers, derived from the ethics literature on research with human and animal subjects, applicable in the event that CE research progresses beyond computer (...)
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    (1 other version)Convergence in environmental values: An empirical and conceptual defense.Ben A. Minteer & Robert E. Manning - 2000 - Philosophy and Geography 3 (1):47-60.
    Bryan Norton's convergence hypothesis, which predicts that nonan‐thropocentric and human‐based philosophical positions will actually converge on long‐sighted, multi‐value environmental policy, has drawn a number of criticisms from within environmental philosophy. In particular, nonanthropocentric theorists like J. Baird Callicott and Laura Westra have rejected the accuracy of Norton's thesis, refusing to believe that his model's contextual appeals to a plurality of human and environmental values will be able adequately to provide for the protection of ecological integrity. These theoretical criticisms of convergence, (...)
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    Translingual information retrieval: learning from bilingual corpora.Yiming Yang, Jaime G. Carbonell, Ralf D. Brown & Robert E. Frederking - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 103 (1-2):323-345.
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    Gamma band suppression by pseudowords: Evidence for lexical cell assemblies?Thomas P. Urbach, Robert E. Davidson & Robert M. Drake - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):305-306.
    The EEG and MEG studies cited in the target article found reduced gamma band power following pseudowords in comparison with words. Pulvermüller interprets this power difference in terms of reverberating lexical cell assemblies. An alternative interpretation in terms of latency jitter in the gamma band following pseudowords is proposed that does not appeal to lexical cell assemblies.
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    Shock-elicited aggression as a function of shock modality.Stephen F. Davis, James L. Tramill, James W. Voorhees, Mary Nell Mollenhour & Robert E. Prytula - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):145-147.
  12. Part three kl?Robert E. Page Jr - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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  13. Science, Decision and Value.James Leach, Robert E. Butts & Glenn Pearce - 1973 - D. Reidel.
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  14. Foundational Problems in the Special Sciences Edited by Robert E. Butts and Jaakko Hintikka. --.Robert E. Butts & Jaakko Hintikka - 1977 - D. Reidel.
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  15. Utilitarianism as a Public Philosophy.Robert E. Goodin - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Utilitarianism, the great reforming philosophy of the nineteenth century, has today acquired the reputation for being a crassly calculating, impersonal philosophy unfit to serve as a guide to moral conduct. Yet what may disqualify utilitarianism as a personal philosophy makes it an eminently suitable guide for public officials in the pursuit of their professional responsibilities. Robert E. Goodin, a philosopher with many books on political theory, public policy and applied ethics to his credit, defends utilitarianism against its critics and (...)
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    Widening the Third Window.Robert E. Ulanowicz - 2012 - Axiomathes 22 (2):269-289.
    The respondent agrees with William Grassie that many windows on nature are possible; that emphasis must remain on the generation of order; that “chance” would better be recast as “contingency”; and that the ecological metaphysic has wide implications for a “politics of nature”. He accepts the challenge by Pedro Sotolongo to extend his metaphysic into the realm of pan-semiotics and agrees that an ecological perspective offers the best hope for solving the world’s inequities. He replies to Stanley Salthe that he (...)
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  17.  72
    Motivating political morality.Robert E. Goodin - 1992 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
  18.  26
    The Light Shines on in the Darkness: Transforming Suffering through Faith by Robert Spitzer.Robert E. Hurd - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (4):674-677.
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    Metaethics and value neutrality in science.Robert E. Alexander - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (6):391 - 401.
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  20.  17
    The beautiful, the true, & the good: studies in the history of thought.Robert E. Wood - 2015 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    "Among the foremost Catholic philosophers of his generation. He has utilized the fullness of the Catholic intellectual tradition to brilliantly take the measure of modern philosophical thought... This volume is an expression of Robert Wood's singular philosophical outlook." -Jude Dougherty, dean emeritus, school of philosophy, The Catholic University of America.
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    Science and philanthropy: Wickliffe rose and the International Education Board.Robert E. Kohler - 1985 - Minerva 23 (1):75-95.
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    Sanitarians, engineers and public science in the gilded age.Robert E. Kohler - 1993 - Minerva 31 (2):184-210.
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  23. Choice and chance in the formation of society: Behavior and cognition in social theory.Robert E. Lana - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (1-2).
  24. Functional analysis.Robert E. Cummins - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (November):741-64.
  25. Reflective Democracy.Robert E. Goodin - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this strikingly original book, one of the leading scholars in the field focuses on the influential idea of deliberative democracy. Goodin examines the great challenge of how to implement the deliberative ideal among millions of people at once and comes up with a novel solution: 'democratic deliberation within'.
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    A complete theory with arbitrarily large minimality ranks.Robert E. Woodrow & Julia F. Knight - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):321-328.
    An example is given of a complete theory with minimal models of arbitrarily large minimality rank.
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  27.  8
    Being human: philosophical anthropology through phenomenology.Robert E. Wood - 2022 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Being Human is the fruit of many years teaching Philosophical Anthropology, conducting Phenomenological Workshops, and reading classic texts in the light of a reflective awareness of the field of experience. Being Human is intended to look to what is typically assumed but not examined in much of current philosophical literature.
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  28.  11
    Chapter Eight. Objective Spirit.Robert E. Wood - 2014 - In Robert Wood, Hegel's introduction to the system : encyclopaedia phenomenology and psychology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 183-193.
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    Chapter Seven.Psychology.Robert E. Wood - 2014 - In Robert Wood, Hegel's introduction to the system : encyclopaedia phenomenology and psychology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 95-180.
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    Index.Robert E. Wood - 2014 - In Robert Wood, Hegel's introduction to the system : encyclopaedia phenomenology and psychology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 205-210.
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  31.  21
    Intuition in Bergson.Robert E. Wood - unknown
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  32.  55
    Recovery of the Aesthetic Center.Robert E. Wood - 1995 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 69:1-25.
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    Transfer of incidental learning to free recall.Robert E. Hicks, Mary T. Tarr & Robert K. Young - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):254.
  34.  26
    The Careless Skeptic.Robert E. Hurlbutt - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):207-250.
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    The Professional Guinea Pig: Big Pharma and the Risky World of Human Subjects by Roberto Abadie.Robert E. Hurd - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (3):583-585.
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  36. Hans-Georg Gadamer's "Truth and Method": A Review Article.Robert E. Innis - 1976 - The Thomist 40 (2):311.
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    Notes on the Semiotic Model of Perception.Robert E. Innis - 1980 - Philosophical Inquiry 2 (2-3):496-507.
  38.  36
    Polanyi’s Model of Mental Acts.Robert E. Innis - 1973 - New Scholasticism 47 (2):147-178.
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    Snapshot: Susanne K Langer.Robert E. Innis - 2014 - The Philosophers' Magazine 67:54-57.
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    Russian centralism and Ukrainian autonomy. Imperial absorption of the Hetmanate 1760–1830s.Robert E. Jones - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (5):691-692.
  41.  52
    (1 other version)William Whewell's Theory of Scientific Method.Robert E. Butts (ed.) - 1969 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    William Whewell is considered one of the most important nineteenth-century British philosophers of science and a contributor to modern philosophical thought, particularly regarding the problem of induction and the logic of discovery. In this volume, Robert E. Butts offers selections from Whewell's most important writings, and analysis of counter-claims to his philosophy.
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    Sheldon Sacks 1930-1979.Robert E. Streeter, Wayne C. Booth & W. J. T. Mitchell - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (3):423-425.
    It is strange to write for the pages of this journal a statement which will not come under the eye of its founding editor, Sheldon Sacks. For nearly five years everything that appeared in Critical Inquiry—articles, critical responses, editorial comments—was a matter of painstaking and passionate concern to Shelly Sacks. With a flow of questions and suggestions and a talent for unabashed cajolery, he generated articles and rejoinders to those articles. He worked tirelessly in editorial consultation and correspondence with contributors, (...)
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  43.  22
    The case of Tertius Lydgate.Robert E. Streeter - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (2):171.
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    The geography of the everyday: toward an understanding of the given.Robert E. Sullivan - 2017 - Athens: University of Georgia Press.
    Starting with Goffman and ending with Foucault -- The spacetimeplace "thing" -- Time goes vertical; space yields in -- What Marx brought in from the cold : reproduction -- Bringing in the body -- Bring in geography.
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    An Epistemic Theory of Democracy.Robert E. Goodin & Kai Spiekermann - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kai Spiekermann.
    This book examines the Condorcet Jury Theorem and how its assumptions can be applicable to the real world. It will use the theorem to assess various familiar political practices and alternative institutional arrangements, revealing how best to take advantage of the truth-tracking potential of majoritarian democracy.
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  46.  10
    When Medico-Moral Questions are Addressed to the Pastor.Robert E. Deegan - 1979 - Ethics and Medics 4 (8):1-2.
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  47.  12
    The philosophy of John Dewey: a critical exposition of his method, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge.Robert E. Dewey - 1977 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
    John Dewey ranks as the most influential of America's philosophers. That in fluence stems, in part, from the originality of his mind, the breadth of his in terests, and his capacity to synthesize materials from diverse sources. In addi tion, Dewey was blessed with a long life and the extraordinary energy to express his views in more than 50 books, approximately 750 articles, and at least 200 contributions to encyclopedias. He has made enduring intellectual contributions in all of the traditional (...)
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  48.  19
    Urban Academic Medical Centers.Robert E. Jones - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (1):67-69.
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    (1 other version)Some Classes of Kripke Frames Characteristic for the Intuitionistic Logic.Robert E. Kirk - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (25‐29):409-410.
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    Dies Dominica: Two Hiberno-Latin Texts.Robert E. McNally - 1960 - Mediaeval Studies 22 (1):355-361.
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